Series 1200

Universal Conveyor Roller


series 1200

diameter 40/50/60/80

temperature range
-5°C ~ +40°C

Series Features

  • It is widely used and the most popular product in the gravity roller  series. It is commonly used in carton conveying applications.
  • The bearing end cap consists of a precision ball bearing, a polymer  housing and end cap seal. Combined they provide an attractive,  smooth and quite running roller.
  • The design of the end cap protects the bearings by providing excellent  resistance to dust and splashed water.
  • Can be configured with different bearings according to the application.  Meets the requirements for light gravity chutes.
  • Suitable for the high speed applications. Maximum speed varies with  roller length and diameter. Maximum speed up to 2~3m/s.
  • Temperature range: – 5℃ ~ + 40℃
  • Humidity range: 30%~ 90% RH (non-condensation).


Bearing housing

Polyamide, black

End Cap

Polypropylene, Damon green

Precision ball bearing


Series load capacity

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